34 ov-1 diagram
S -4 Concept of Operations Diagram C2/R1 OV -1 S -5 %DODQFHG6FRUHFDUG * C6/R4, C6/R5 Business Products & Services (B) B -1 Business Plan* C2/R2 , C5R1 B -2 Node Connectivity Diagram C3/R1 OV -2 B -3 Swim Lane Process Diagram * C4/R2 OV -5 B -4 Business Process /Service Model C 2 /R2 OV -5 ... The OV-1 provides a graphical depiction of what the architecture is about and an idea of the players and operations involved. An OV-1 can be used to orient and focus detailed discussions. Its main use is to aid human communication, and it is intended for presentation to high-level decision-makers.
The OV-5b can be constructed using Integration Definition for Function Modeling (IDEF0) or Class Diagrams. There are two basic ways to depict Activity Models: The Activity Decomposition Tree shows activities depicted in a tree structure and is typically used to provide a navigation aid.
Ov-1 diagram
An SV-1 specifies the composition and interaction of resources. The SV-1 links together the operational and systems architecture models by depicting how Resources are structured and interact to realize the logical architecture specified in an OV-2 Operational Resource Flow Description. OV-1 - High-Level Operational Concept Graphic The OV-1a provides a graphical view of what the architecture is addressing and an idea of the players and operations involved. Its main use is to aid human communication, and it is intended for presentation to high-level decision-makers. The OV-1 describes a mission, class of mission, or scenario. A SV-1 can optionally be annotated with Operational Activities, Capabilities, and/or Locations originally specified in OV-2 Operational Resource Flow Description model. In this way, traceability can be established from the logical OV structure to the physical System Viewpoint structure.
Ov-1 diagram. The OV-1 provides a graphical depiction of what the architecture is about and an idea of the players and operations involved. An OV-1 can be used to orient and focus detailed discussions. Its main use is to aid human communication, and it is intended for presentation to high-level decision-makers. The CV-1 is a diagram that defines the strategic context for a group of capabilities described in the architecture by outlining the vision for an enterprise over a bounded period of time. It describes the high-level goals and strategy for the enterprise, and the level of capability the enterprise is expected to achieve over time. You can describe the locations, targets, assets and organizations that are to be involved in a particular mission using the High-Level Operational Concept ... OV-1 procedures 265 Creating OV-1 diagram 265 OV-2 procedures 266 Creating OV-2 diagram 266 Creating Operational Exchanges in OV-2 diagram 267 OV-3 procedures 267 Creating OV-3 table 267 OV-4 procedures 268 Creating OV-4 diagram 268 OV-5 procedures 268 Creating OV-5 Operational Activity Model diagram 269
OV-1 Diagram: Scenario #2 - Digitally Aided CAS Airborne C2 Close Air Support Aircraft Blue Ground Forces Tactical Air Controller Ground C2 Red Ground Forces VHF / UHF ISR 14. I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e OV-1 Diagram: Scenario #3 - Digitally Aided CAS+ Airborne C2 OV-2 does not depict the physical connectivity between the Activities and Locations. The logical pattern established in an OV-2 model may act as the backbone onto which architectural elements may be overlaid - e.g., a SV-1 Systems Interface Description model can show which systems are providing the necessary capability. OV-1 - High-Level Operational Concept Graphic. The OV-1a provides a graphical view of what the architecture is addressing and an idea of the players and operations involved. Its main use is to aid human communication, and it is intended for presentation to high-level decision-makers. The OV-1 describes a mission, class of mission, or scenario. sponsors, and materiel developers. Figure 1 depicts the high-level (OV-1) diagram of the Joint C2 requirements management process. a. The Joint C2 requirements management process provides traceability, via the Joint C2 CDD, Requirements Prioritization and Sequencing Plan (RPSP),
An OV-1 High-Level Operational Concept Graphic Diagram is based on the UML Composite Structure Diagram. Since it is a bit complex, the OV-1 Free Form diagram can be used alternatively. A Concept Role here is a property for a High-Level Operational Concept element. Apr 3, 2016 - OV-1 example for Drone Operational Architecture. Following this cat's tragic demise after a fatal encounter with a car, Dutch Artist Bart Jansen turned the remains of the feline into a remote controlled helicopter. Lesson 1.1: Create an OV-01 high-level overview diagram The OV-01 High-Level diagram describes the locations, targets, assets, and organizations that are to be involved in a particular mission. Its main utility is as a facilitator of human communication, and it is intended for presentation to high-level decision makers. The OV-1 provides a graphical depiction of what the architecture is about and an idea of the players and operations involved. An OV-1 can be used to orient and focus detailed discussions. Its main use is to aid human communication, and it is intended for presentation to high-level decision-makers. The intended usage of the OV-1 includes:
The set of documents named AV*, OV*, SV*, TV* are all part of the OOI CyberInfrastructure Architec-ture & Design (CIAD), in the structure prescribed by the DoDAF (Department of Defense Architecture Framework). Each document has a designated title, an identifier (such as AV-1) and covers a specific topic in a self-contained way.
Using Department Of Defense Architectural Framework Dodaf To Identify Initial Training System Requirements Incose Meeting January 22 2015 Orlando Fl Ppt Download
The OV-1 provides a graphical depiction of what the architecture is about and an idea of the players and operations involved. An OV-1 can be used to orient and focus detailed discussions. Its main use is to aid human communication, and it is intended for presentation to high-level decision-makers. The intended usage of the OV-1 includes:
OV-1a - High-Level Operational Concept Graphic. The OV-1a provides a graphical view of what the architecture is addressing and an idea of the players and operations involved. Its main use is to aid human communication, and it is intended for presentation to high-level decision-makers. The OV-1a provides a graphical, scenario-based ...
OV-1. High-Level Operational Concept Graphic 19 Description 19 Implementation in MagicDraw 19 UML Profile for DoDAF 19 Mission 19 Objective 20 Line 20 TargetArea 20 Asset 20 Profile diagram 21 Creating the product 21 Relationship to other products 21 Sample 22 OV-2. Operational Node Connectivity Description 23 Description 23 Implementation in ...
The OV DoDAF-described Models re-use the capabilities defined in the Capability Viewpoint and put them in the context of an operation or scenario. The OV DoDAF-described Models can be used in a number of ways, including the development of user requirements, capturing future concepts, and supporting operational planning processes.
AV-1, OV-1 H Change Management SV-9, TV-2 . Figure 1 is a visualization of the relationship between these frameworks from a TOGAF-to-DoDAF perspective using the TOGAF circles diagram. TOGAF and DoDAF . www.opengroup.org . A White Paper Published by The Open Group . 8 .
OV-1 [classic] Use Creately's easy online diagram editor to edit this diagram, collaborate with others and export results to multiple image formats. You can edit this template and create your own diagram. Creately diagrams can be exported and added to Word, PPT (powerpoint), Excel, Visio or any other document.
OV-1 procedures 301 Creating OV-1 diagram 301 OV-2 procedures 302 Creating OV-2 diagram 302 Creating Operational Exchanges in OV-2 diagram 303 OV-3 procedures 303 Creating OV-3 table 303 OV-4 procedures 304 Creating OV-4 diagram 304 OV-5 procedures 304 Creating OV-5 Operational Activity Model diagram 305
The AV-1 provides executive-level summary and overview information in a consistent form that allows quick reference and comparison between Architectural Descriptions. The written content of the AV-1 describes the concepts contained in the pictorial representation of the Operational View (OV)-1. [1] Guide: DoDAF Architecture Framework Version 2.02 - Page 110 The AV-1 frames the context ...
Download scientific diagram | OV-1, operational concept graphic. from publication: Service Oriented Architectures, the DoD Architecture Framework 1.5, and Executable Architectures | The Department ...
Creating OV-1 high-level operational concept graphic diagrams. You can describe the locations, targets, assets and organizations that are to be involved in ...
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Creating OV-1 diagram. An OV-1 High-Level Operational Concept Graphic Diagram is based on the UML Composite Structure Diagram. Since it is a bit complex, the OV-1 Free Form diagram can be used alternatively. A Concept Role here is a property for a High-Level Operational Concept element. It represents a role that an element (the type of this ...
Operational View (OV) is one of the basic views defined in the enterprise architecture (EA) of the Department of Defense Architecture Framework V1.5 (DoDAF) and is related with concept of operations.Under DODAF 2, which became operational in 2009, the collections of views are now termed 'viewpoints' and no longer views. Other enterprise architecture frameworks may or do have operational views ...
A SV-1 can optionally be annotated with Operational Activities, Capabilities, and/or Locations originally specified in OV-2 Operational Resource Flow Description model. In this way, traceability can be established from the logical OV structure to the physical System Viewpoint structure.
OV-1 - High-Level Operational Concept Graphic The OV-1a provides a graphical view of what the architecture is addressing and an idea of the players and operations involved. Its main use is to aid human communication, and it is intended for presentation to high-level decision-makers. The OV-1 describes a mission, class of mission, or scenario.
Dodaf Ov 1 High Level Operational Concept Graphic Hubble Space Telescope Download Scientific Diagram
An SV-1 specifies the composition and interaction of resources. The SV-1 links together the operational and systems architecture models by depicting how Resources are structured and interact to realize the logical architecture specified in an OV-2 Operational Resource Flow Description.
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